Thursday, June 7, 2012

What can i do without you ?

Went to ts with le family just now . Enjoyed hanging out with my mom althou she some times embarrassed me at the street . I spotted a shoe that I love it so much , mom told me to buy it but I said no . " I buy for you . " " No mom , I'll buy it next time by myself . Save your money for yourself kay ? " 

Using her money breaks my heart up . I know I can't afford it now , coz i can't even eat well . I'd got my salary at it's only RM26 . Hoping on my boyfriend isn't possible . So , I'm just going to work hard start on June , and I'm going to be very very super duper tired that time . I can't hope on anyone else except for myself .

有人问我: 分手了那么久还记得你的前一任么?怎么说呢? 记得显得太花心, 不记得显得太薄情, 其实我觉得那个人就好比我走路撞上了一个电线杆, 很痛, 以后我走路都会绕着电线杆走, 可能很久以后, 我都不记得撞得有多痛了, 可是那个电线杆永远都在 !
I'll still remember that pain you left for me .

If your girlfriend can make you happy everyday , won't get angry at you , don't flirt with you , well then break up with her , that girl doesn't love you

男人不管愛不愛你 , 都可以溫柔地撫摸你的頭髮 , 熱烈地親吻你的嘴唇 , 緊緊地抱著你的裸體跟你說一大堆甜言蜜語 , 讓你一夜枕著他的手臂睡 . 並不是愛你他才這樣做 一夜情的男人也可以 , 只要兩個人性生活協調 , 他樂意演戲逗你開心 , 不要因為這些小小的舉動就意亂情迷 . 女人要分清楚真情假意 !
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